Benefits Of Aqua Massages

Benefits Of Aqua Massages

Do you need some relief after a hard day’s work? Some may lounge around at the house to destress but have you ever considered getting an aqua massage? The benefits of aqua massages can help most recover from stress. We’ll be breaking down how exactly aqua massages can help you in your life.

What’s An Aqua Massage?

An aqua massage uses heated and cold water to provide body relief. The benefits of aqua massages include some much-needed body therapy without the hassle of getting undressed. It works by placing yourself in a tube where water is stored in a tank. Then, there’s a plastic barrier separating you and the water. That way no one is left soaking wet after their session. The water is then powered by water jets to provide massage relief. This form of therapy is completely contactless so no one would be touching you. Traditional massage therapy requires someone to physically put their hands on your body. However, with an aqua massage, water jets would be touching you.

Helps The Aching Body

Benefits of aqua massages include relaxation for any aching muscles. Recovery is needed for the mind, body and spirit. Having pain or feeling extremely sore from a workout can prevent you from being productive. Feeling bogged down will not help you at the workplace. Aqua massages dig deep into those muscle fibers for faster recovery time. A quicker recovery time will help you get ready for your next day at work or at the gym. This can lead to healthier activities done throughout the week. In fact, boosted recovery time from aqua massages can boost better decision-making. Feeling better about yourself can turbocharge your mood and self-confidence.

Clears Stress

Stress can be a very negative health factor on the body. Too much stress on the mind, body and spirit will lead to negative health illnesses. In fact, extreme stress can make some people unable to function. In order to help with stress factors then consider getting an aqua massage. The many benefits of aqua massages can help lower stress. Not feeling a huge amount of pressure on a daily basis will help anyone be more productive. A boost in productivity can also help with self-confidence and mood. Overall, this is one of the many benefits of aqua massages.

Aids With Sleep

Sleep is absolutely vital for the human body. When the body is fully at rest then it can repair itself. Giving your body the proper rest it deserves every night will lead to an increase in mental awareness. One of the many benefits of aqua massages is that they can aid with sleep. Aqua massages can help with relaxing the body if it’s feeling under pressure and stress. Feeling relaxed will help the body rest since your mind isn’t thinking about stress factors. Remember, sleep is when the body is at work maintaining itself. Breaking down, repairing and getting rid of old cells is what the body does during sleep.

Where To Get An Aqua Massage?

Aqua massages may sound like a difficult thing to find since it’s so unique. However, this is quite the opposite. Most can get an aqua massage at their local oxygen bar location. Some oxygen bars carry aqua massage devices to diversify their services for clients. That way anyone visiting the oxygen bar can feel refreshed once they’re done. Aqua massages are full contactless forms of therapy. Meaning, no one will have to worry about getting touched during their aqua massage session. This is extremely important for anyone wanting to keep the pandemic in mind. Aqua massage sessions can vary in time from 15 to 30 minutes. It’s best to ask the oxygen bar about the length of the session before scheduling one.

1 thoughts on “Benefits Of Aqua Massages

  1. Pingback: Why You Should Try an Aqua Massage | Breathe Oxygen Bar

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